F4F’s Joanie Peak with Xavier Sargent of Fédération des Forains de France in Monte Carlo.

Fairs fly the flag for World Fun Fair Month

Many fairs across the country will be flying World Fun Fair Month flags during September. But what is it all about? Future4Fairgrounds explain…

September already and for Future4Fairgrounds (F4F) that means only one thing – World Fun Fair Month! But what is it all about?

World Fun Fair Month

World Fun Fair Month (WFFM) is an idea inspired by so many other awareness days, weeks and months that are celebrated throughout the year. There really is a day for everything – but there was nothing for Showmen.

WFFM was created specifically to celebrate all things to do with the fairground. The industry and importantly the people behind the fair – Showmen. It was registered officially in 2021 so that it could be recognised all over the world. It’s the perfect opportunity to start a conversation about this amazing industry and our unique community. It is getting bigger each year and with time it could have a huge impact.

In 2021 the ‘I am a Showman’ video was released; it was overwhelming to see so many Showman voices coming together from all over the world in a collective effort to let others know who we are as a group of people. With your support we’d like WFFM to be seen and celebrated by as many people and organisations as possible.

A sample certificate that F4F have produced for UK Showmen to give to councils.
A sample certificate that F4F have produced for UK Showmen to give to councils.

Your help

We need your help to continue to build it and make it a success. We would like Showmen all over the country to display the logo during September, that could be by printing off the pdf that we can send to you via email or flying the WFFM flag.


In 2022 founding member and vice president of Fédération des Forains de France Xavier Sargent approached us with an idea. He wanted to use WFFM as an opportunity to raise the profile of the fairs that visit the towns in France and build on the existing relationships the Showmen have with their local authorities.

Together we produced a World Fun Fair Month certificate that could be presented to the council or the mayor on the occasion of the fair. This was received positively and WFFM was seen as a platform to reinforce the strong links fairgrounds have with towns.

F4F’s Joanie Peak with Xavier Sargent of Fédération des Forains de France in Monte Carlo.
F4F’s Joanie Peak with Xavier Sargent of Fédération des Forains de France in Monte Carlo.

Inspired by Xavier we are following up this year with a similar certificate for UK Showmen to celebrate fairs and their towns that would like to take part in WFFM celebrations.

Please support WFFM in September. Display the logo wherever possible and start a conversation about why we are so proud of our community. Talk about what it means to you to be a Showman and why the fairground industry is so important to the towns that you visit as professional business people.

The fairground industry is used by others in advertising campaigns that have no connection to our business. Everyone wants to be part of the fair. So, this September let’s do what Showmen do best – let’s pull together and make an awareness month that everyone else wants to be part of #bethechange #getinvolved #strongertogether #itsaShowmanslife #worldfunfairmonth.

F4F have produced different logos for the various organisations taking part in World Fun Fair Month.
F4F have produced different logos for the various organisations taking part in World Fun Fair Month.

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