Leonard George Chadwick's colourful ghost train on a return visit to Blackburn.

Firework Spectacular returns to Blackburn for a second year

In mid-October Gores’ Family Fun Fairs held a ‘Firework Spectacular with Mega Fun Fair’ in Blackburn’s Corporation Park for the second year running.

The event was advertised on posters and social media, and three massive double banners were placed on portable fencing outside the main entrance to the park, on the busy Preston New Road. Another two were located in busy prominent positions in the area.

This year the fair took place over three days, from Friday 14 to Sunday 16 October, with all rides priced at £1.50 on the Sunday. This fair followed on from the children’s fairs arranged by the Gore family at Queens Park and Corporation Park in Blackburn and Bold Venture Park in Darwen over the summer months of 2022.   


Among the rides in attendance here there were four major attractions. These comprised Lincoln Gore’s Joker Jump & Smile, Leonard George Chadwick’s ghost train and Nicholas Hill Jnr’s Mad Max Miami and Twister Twist, which he travels for Sharland’s Fun Fairs. All were on return visits from last year’s event.

There were two less juvenile attractions on the ground this year, with the seven in attendance all from the Gore family and headed by the colourful and popular Runaway Train roller coaster.

Another noted juvenile was the mini wheel minded by Muffin (Brian), who has worked for Brinley Gore for many years. He told us that the wheel has undergone extensive refurbishment, with the main stand of the ride fitted with new colourful panelling. The gondolas have been highly decorated by Nathan Jones, with each seat depicting a famous Disney character.

And just for the record, Brian is known as ‘Muffin’ because when he started work on the fairgrounds in 1966 it was on Holland’s Muffin the Mule ride, which travelled widely around the Lancashire fairs back then.      

Unfortunately, Saturday night’s firework display had to be cancelled due to heavy rain between 5pm and 6.30pm. Though the rain had stopped by 7pm, the decision had already been made to cancel the display. Friday’s fireworks did take place, with a stunning 10-minute display.  

We visited on Sunday afternoon to see fine weather, and a healthy number of visitors started to enter the ground during our visit and as we were leaving.

After Blackburn, the Gore family were off to Edeworth Cricket Club for a similar event on Friday 21 October, taking along the Joker Jump & Smile and a handful of juvenile and catering attractions.    

Main photo: Leonard George Chadwick’s colourful ghost train on a return visit to Blackburn Mega Fun Fair.

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