Donald Gray Unsung Hero Award trophy pic

Donald Gray receives Unsung Heroes Award

Showman Donald Gray has been recognised by Wisbech Town Council for his work for the town.

Donald, a member of the Norwich & Eastern Counties Section of the Guild, was awarded the Wisbech Town Council Unsung Heroes Award primarily in connection with Wisbech Mart.

Donald was shortlisted in the Ann Carlisle Memorial Award category, which is “to recognise lifetime achievement; for someone who has made an outstanding contribution to the town”.

The citation read: “For always being willing to offer help and assistance from the Showmen’s Guild to enhance and support community events. The Fair is a long-standing part of Wisbech heritage and Donald is a wonderful spokesperson, liaison and mediator between the Showmen’s Guild and the town in this relationship”.

The awards ceremony took place in January at the Queen Mary Centre in Wisbech.

Photo: The Wisbech Unsung Heroes Award won by showman Donald Gray.

Donald Gray Unsung Hero Award trophy pic

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