Scottish Section Committee 2021

Scottish Section Committee: J Bateman, K Carter, AJ Colquhoun, J Evans, JJB Hickey, C Wm Horne, S Johnstone, A Newsome, G Pinder, A Reid, T Smith, C Stirling, D Thomson, L Tulloch, R Wilmot.

Chairman: Alex James Colquhoun

Vice Chairman: Sheldon Johnstone

Treasurer: Ritchie Wilmot

Asst Treasurer: Albert Reid

Sgt at Arms: Jordan Evans

Asst Sgt at Arms: Leighton Tulloch

Central Council Delegates:

AJ Colquhoun, Sheldon Johnstone, J Evans, L Tulloch

Vice Delegates:

R Wilmot, A Reid, G Pinder, D Thomson

Management Delegate: AJ Colquhoun

Appeals Delegate:

Leighton Tulloch


N Thomas, P Paris, P McShane, C Stirling, S Hiscoe

Section Safety Liaison Officers:

J Bateman, S Johnstone, T Smith

Vigilance Committee:

All Committee members and Lessees

Safety Officers:

J Bateman, G Pinder, C Horne, S Johnstone, D Thomson

Education Liaison Officer:

C Stirling

Finance Committee:

G Pinder, C Stirling, A Newsome, J Bateman, D Thomson

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