The Guild Management Committee for 2023-24: Back row Section delegates Steven Hill, Western; Lawrence Crick, London & Home Counties; Abie Danter Snr, South Wales & Northern Ireland; Edward Morley, Lancashire, Cheshire & North Wales; Michael McKean, standing in for William Percival, Derby, Notts, Mid & South Lincs; James Hall, Midland; Phillip L. Cooper Jnr, Northern; Alex James Colquhoun, Scottish; Charles Barwick, standing in for Frankie Harris, Eastern Counties; Michael Cowie, Yorkshire. Seated: Officials Donald Gray, Sergeant at Arms; Keith Carroll, Senior Vice President; John Thurston, President; Thomas Kayes, Junior Vice President. Not present but on the committee is John Edwards, National Treasurer.

Showmen’s Guild Central Council

Guild Rules, safety, insurance and education among key issues discussed at annual meeting in London.The Showmen’s Guild Central Council meeting returned to the Union Jack Club in London on 17-18 January for their annual meeting where a range of issues was discussed including, importantly, changes …

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