Western Section Committee 2020-2021

Western Section Committee: JA Allen, T Charles, CR Cole, WR Cole, SG Edwards, MJ Geraghty, KJ Greatrex, SJ Hill, RJ Kefford, J Lewis, JJ Mason, SG Rawlings, AGP Rogers, & TH Stevens.

Chairman: T Charles

Vice-Chairman: RJ Kefford

Treasurer: SJ Hill

Sgt-at-Arms: JJ Mason

Deputy Sgt-at-Arms: AGP Rogers

Secretary: Mrs Jan Richardson

Assistant Secretary: Mrs Maria Batt

Central Council Delegates: T Charles, SJ Hill, SG Rawlings, SG Edwards

Vice Delegates: RJ Kefford, CR Cole, MJ Geraghty, KJ Greatrex

Management Delegate: T Charles

Appeals Delegate: SJ Hill

Deputy Appeals Delegate: G Rawlings

Trustees: W Whitelegg, R Henderson, SJ Hill, SG Rawlings, T Charles, RJ Kefford, & S G Edwards

Benevolent Fund Trustees: W Whitelegg, R Henderson, RJ Kefford, SG Rawlings

Safety Liaison Officers: R J Kefford, T Charles

Vigilance Committee: All Committee Members and Section Lessees

Safety Officers: RJ Kefford, J Hill, T Charles, S G Edwards

Education Liaison Officer: J Lewis

Finance Sub Committee: SG Edwards, AGP Rogers, TH Stevens

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