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Showmen’s Guild protocol and national guidance regarding the passing of Queen Elizabeth II, Friday 9.9.22

Dear Colleagues,

There is no decisive plan regarding opening fairs at this time.

However, bearing in mind that this is clearly an emotional time for many in the country, members may wish to consider not opening today, or if they do, to do so, at their discretion, in consultation with the local authority where they currently are; taking into account the local mood and taking into account what other businesses & entertainments are operating today.

If opening, it may be wise to play low key music, if any.

It may be a good idea for members to have a notice marking the passing of the Queen at the entrance to the fair –  together with their opening policy, at their discretion.

Following today and up to the day of the State Funeral (day / date yet to be confirmed) it may be useful to follow the above advice, depending on the setting of where the fair is (streetfair / High Street /private business in a park etc)

Central Office are monitoring the news and any Official Guidance on this and wider arrangements. 

There will be further updates to this advice as they occur.

John Thurston,


Link to the Guidance from the Cabinet Office online:

Central Office, Guild House, 41 Clarence Street
Staines-upon-Thames, Middlesex. TW18 4SY
Tel: 01784-461805
Email: [email protected]

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