The Carnival returns to Glasgow

With the successful rollout of the vaccination programme and provisional dates for restrictions easing, there is light at the end of the tunnel – so QD Events, the organisers of Glasgow’s Carnival are delighted to announce that they are planning for the 2021/22 event to return to the SEC, Glasgow, from 22nd December 2021 to 16th January 2021.

The event celebrated its centenary in 2019/20 and after a year’s hiatus, the organisers are working within government guidelines to ensure it is covid-safe, but also one to remember.

Applications are now open for rides and stalls, and visitor tickets will go on sale in the autumn. If you’re a ride operator or stall holder, and want to apply to take part in the UK’s largest event of its kind, see below for further details:

Major & Juvenile Rides

Please send full details in an email application, including: a description of the attraction(s); required floor space; max height required to operate; dimensions (including additional items e.g. paybox); and ride capacity. Please also include a recent photograph, a sketch showing dimensions (inc. paybox etc) and the payment expected. Electricity is provided by the Organiser

Round & Side Stalls

Successful applicants will be required to supply their own SWAG. The Organiser will reimburse and element of the cost of the SWAG at the end of the event – full details will be given to successful applicants. Please send full details in an email application, including: rules of game; a recent photograph; and note of payment expected. Electricity is provided by the organiser.

All applications and enquiries must be made by email to [email protected]. No postal or telephone applications.

CLOSING DATE: Friday 4th June 2021

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