New President for Showmen’s Guild

At the Showmen’s Guild’s Central Council in January, Keith Carroll was elected as the new President, whilst Scotland’s Alex James Colquhoun makes history as Junior Vice President.The Showmen’s Guild has a new President. As the three-year period of tenure for Central Office officials came to …

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Please support fairs, say officials at Western Section Luncheon

£1.1 billion levelling up fund to bring people into the town centre? Funfairs do that for free, Showmen’s Guild President tells luncheon guests.There was a sad note to this year’s Western Section Annual Luncheon as Chairman Steven Hill announce the sudden passing, the previous evening, …

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Barrie Ratcliffe: Modelling the Bioscope Show

Bioscope shows were an important part of the fairground in the 1890s and early 1900s. Though long gone, fairground models – like this one from artist Barrie Ratcliffe – remind us of these popular shows.After Randall Williams presented the first Bioscope show at King’s Lynn …

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Showmen’s Guild Central Council

Guild Rules, safety, insurance and education among key issues discussed at annual meeting in London.The Showmen’s Guild Central Council meeting returned to the Union Jack Club in London on 17-18 January for their annual meeting where a range of issues was discussed including, importantly, changes …

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Scottish Chairman warns of risks to fairground industry

‘We need more fairs’ Chairman tells luncheon guests as historic fairs disappear and regulations hinder the development of new ones.The annual Scottish Section luncheon took place in its regular venue, the Glasgow Grosvenor Hotel, on Friday 17 November 2023.Welcoming guests, Chairman Alex James Colquhoun spoke …

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Showman wins international awards with first film

After its release onto the international film festival circuit last July, Showman Paul Bibb’s first full feature film, My Only Relative, has picked up a number of awards.Last July we reported that Showman and actor Paul Bibb’s first feature film as a director and producer …

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